
This blog was created to allow us to share moments of Madeline Grace's life with our family starting from the time she entered this world on November 28th. Please check back often for updates and feel free to leave comments.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

It's Been Awhile

Well, I have been lacking in updating this blog. Sorry to those who sign in and don't get new updates!

Madeline is almost 21 months old now (I know...where does the time go?!?) She has turned into such a loving, funny, sweet little girl. She is constantly making us laugh...she definitely has her daddy's personality.

She's been spending more and more time outdoors, playing in her little tikes car and riding in her wagon. We bought a pink umbrella stroller for our vacation to Madison, and she loves riding around in it. I think Matt takes her for a ride on it at least once a day. Today was the first day she has played in the sprinkler, it took her awhile to get used to it, and wouldn't run through the water, but at least she got herself a little wet since it was so warm out today.

So, a few weeks ago we took our first family vacation (that didn't involve traveling for a weddings, etc.). We went to Madison, WI because it wasn't too far of a drive, they had a lot of free activities for kids, and we just needed to get away for a few days. We stayed at a hotel that had suites, so Matt and I were able to relax after Madeline went to bed. They had a pool and it was close to downtown, so we had a lot of fun. We took Madeline to Henry Villas Zoo, not knowing what she would think of the animals, but she really seemed to enjoy it. She was pointing out animals, walking around and laughing. She also did a lot of swimming. I think the first day she was in the pool for at least an hour, the second day was almost 2 hours, and another hour on the 3rd day. She loves the water.

All in all, it was a good trip. Madeline only fussed a few times and we knew that it was because she was overtired from all the stimulation. Matt and I try really hard to keep her on the same schedule everyday, getting up at 6:30 am, bedtime is 7:30. On vacation, it was a little different, but she did really well.

Madeline trying on Daddy's hat

Pointing at the giraffe

Looking for more animals...

She fell in love with these plastic cups in the gift shop.
Since they were only $1, we got her 3. She has to hold them all at the same time!

Running around in the backyard with Daddy.
Look at that sweet smile!

Monday, May 25, 2009

What we've been up to...

Life has been busy lately. Madeline continues to grow by leaps and bounds. It's amazing all the new things she is picking up, along with the new words she's learning. She'll be 18 months old this week. Matt and I were looking at some older pictures of her and can't believe how much she's changed.

Madeline's new words include "sure" which she uses instead of "yes." I asked her the other day if she wanted to go shopping, she said "sure." Of course when she said it, it sounded like there were marbles in her mouth, but it was so cute. She also says "all done" and continues to pick up any new noises that daddy teaches her. There's no doubt that she is like her daddy.
Memorial day weekend was nice. I had Monday off, so I was able to spend 3 days with Madeline. Saturday was spent at home and at the park. It was warmer than expected so Matt set up her pool in the backyard...she was not a happy camper once her body hit that water. We thought that she would start splashing away, but a few minutes later, she was still crying. Oh well, maybe next time.

We took her shopping on Sunday and got a really great deal on a Little Tyke's car for her. We also got some good deals on some clothes, since she is now grown completely out of all of her 18 month clothing.

Today was spent at home. Matt put her car together for her last night and we showed it to her this afternoon. She had played with one previously at our neighbor's, so we knew that she would love it. She climbed right in. We knew that she would have no problem going into reverse, but she was also able to walk forward in the car as well. She played with that car for about 30 minutes, which I think is a record.

Grandma Peggy then came over and spent the remainder of the afternoon with us. We got to go to the park before it started raining. Madeline loved the park, loved swinging, but threw an absolute fit when we left. She wouldn't even ride in the wagon on the way home...she had to ride on mommy's shoulders.

Here are some pictures from this weekend:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Happy Easter! (A bit late)

Life once again has been extremely busy for us. The three of us have been sick the past week and we are now all on antibiotics. Madeline has a double ear infection, but is such a trooper. We can tell she's finally getting better after being sick 3 times in the past 6 weeks. We're hoping her ear infections will clear up, but to look at her and see how she's acting, you would never guess that she was sick. She is still running around, laughing and playing. At least she was well enough to go outside last week on the 70 degree day.

Now....to Easter....
Easter was spent at Grandma Peggy's house with the Amicos. As usual, lots of food. Madeline wore her cute Easter dress that Matt picked out for her and it appeared that she loved wearing it. Actually, what she loved more than that, was wearing her new white dress shoes. She loves to stomp her feet on the tile floor to make lots of noise. She did get three Easter baskets: one from Mommy and Daddy, one from Grandma Peggy, and one from the Brummels. She made out like a bandit. She wasn't a fan of the stuffed animals, but she got Mickey Mouse DVD's and she watched them a few times already.

Madeline spent the day playing with her cousins. Still not a fan of meat yet, so no ham or beef for her; she did have some potatoes though. When we brought her home she passed out instantly.

Daddy did a great job picking out the dress!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Nice weekend weather

Since the weather was so nice this weekend, we had to take Madeline to the park. It took her awhile to get used to running on the grass, but she's a pro now. She loves walking down the sidewalk to the park at the end of the street and says "bye bye" to all the people we pass. She did really well until we left to come home. She wasn't a fan of leaving, so we spent some time in our yard with her bubbles:

March Updates

It's been awhile since I have posted...things have certainly been busy around here! I was hired two weeks ago by Hollister, Incorporated (medical company, not the clothing store) in their Training & Development department. So now I'm getting up at 5:45 and getting Madeline to daycare. She's back playing with the same children, including Pat's grandson, and they are having so much fun! Madeline and Anthony will talk to one another and chase each other around the house. It's been a hard adjustment from being home with her 24/7 to going back to work full time, but it's easier knowing that she's enjoying her time with the other kids.

She went for a 15 month check up two weeks ago and she is now 31-1/4 inches and weighs 28 pounds. She grew almost 2 inches in three months! It's crazy how fast she is growing. Matt and I keep saying that she doesn't look like a baby anymore...she looks like a little girl. She's still talking more and more and has added quite a few words to her vocabulary. She loves making noises like her daddy, and it's funny listening to her.

As promised, her are some pictures of Madeline from Gymboree:

She loved the fabric tunnel so much we had to get one for the house!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Causing Trouble

For Valentine's Day, Madeline and I baked chocolate chip cookies for Daddy. Who knew that Madeline would love them so much? She is now a fiend for chocolate chip cookies. She saw them on the cooling rack and was reaching and crying for them. It was too cute! She also realized that we put them in a tupperware container, so she cried whenever we used a tupperware container.

I know those cookies are around here somewhere!

Found them!

Madeline after her first chocolate chip cookie

Grandma Peggy came over on Sunday with the chair that she gave to Madeline as a gift. She made the cushion for her, and Madeline had more fun climbing in and out of the chair rather than actually sitting in it!

Tonight, she was so funny. We had finished having dinner and Matt was emptying the clean dishes out of the dishwasher. Out of nowhere, she began to climb on the dishwasher door and sat down. We put her back on the floor and she did it again! She thought it was hilarious...

I guess we have Gymboree to thank for teaching her to climb over and onto objects! Who can get upset with a face like this?!?

Friday, January 30, 2009

A Month's Gone By...

It's been a month since our last post, but life has sure been busy! Madeline is growing by leaps and bounds, and is talking A LOT! She said her first sentence last week, "I gotta go!" Of course, she says it really fast, but it is the cutest. She has also taken to the word "no" very well. If she points at something that she wants, and you hand her something else, she will shake her head and say no.

She is also learning words and sounds very quickly. Matt will make a sound or noise at her and she will try to copy him. She also watches our mouths while we speak and will try and say the same word. She can almost has the word "sit," but knows what it means. If I ask her to sit, she will. Smart little girl.

She is now 14 months old, which Matt and I cannot believe. She has completely grown out of her baby tub and is now taking "big girl baths." She was a little scared at first, but now loves being able to play with her water toys and crawl around the tub.

Today begins her Gymboree classes at Hawthorne Mall, so that should be fun. Matt and I just want her to get out and play with other kids her age, so we think this is a perfect started. Our free trial class is today, and if all goes well, we're signing her up. When you pay for a class a week, you also get free gym sessions throughout the week, so Maddie and I will be doing that as well. I think she and I are both getting cabin fever, so this will be perfect. I'll post more on that after class! :)